Practice for plastic surgery in Kassel 16 Jahre Erfahrung

Our high­ly qua­li­fied spe­cia­list Dr. med. Juli­us Hoeh­ne has many years of expe­ri­ence in the ent­i­re field of plastic sur­ge­ry, from mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve pro­ce­du­res to com­plex procedures.

Our ser­vices are divi­ded into four main are­as: bre­ast, face, body and wrink­le tre­at­ment. In addi­ti­on to clas­sic tre­at­ments such as bre­ast aug­men­ta­ti­on, face­lif­ts or lipo­suc­tion, we also offer less well-known pro­ce­du­res such as thread lif­ting, gyne­co­mastia remo­val or wrink­le tre­at­ment with auto­lo­gous fat. The aim of every tre­at­ment in our prac­ti­ce cli­nic is the gent­le and low-risk cor­rec­tion of self-per­cei­ved ble­mis­hes in order to (re)gain self-con­fi­dence and an all-round beau­ti­ful body feeling!

If you would like more infor­ma­ti­on about a pro­ce­du­re or have alrea­dy deci­ded to have tre­at­ment on our pre­mi­ses, we would be hap­py to get to know you in an initi­al consultation.

Dr. med. Julius Hoehne

After stu­dy­ing medi­ci­ne at the Cha­ri­té Ber­lin and at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ceará (Bra­zil), Dr. Hoeh­ne com­ple­ted his fur­ther trai­ning as a spe­cia­list in plastic and aes­the­tic sur­ge­ry in 2009, initi­al­ly with Prof. Dr. Vin­cent Yeow in Sin­g­a­po­re, one of the most renow­ned plastic sur­ge­ons in Asia. After stu­dy­ing medi­ci­ne at the Cha­ri­té Ber­lin and at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ceará (Bra­zil), Dr. Hoeh­ne com­ple­ted his fur­ther trai­ning as a spe­cia­list in plastic and aes­the­tic sur­ge­ry in 2009, initi­al­ly with Prof. Dr. Vin­cent Yeow in Sin­g­a­po­re, one of the most renow­ned plastic sur­ge­ons in Asia. The focus of the trai­ning was bre­ast and facial sur­ge­ry. He then con­ti­nued his fur­ther trai­ning in Aachen with Dr. S. Gran­del and PD Dr. Dm. O’Dey, whe­re he was able to deepen his know­ledge of bre­ast and body con­tou­ring sur­ge­ry. The last sta­ti­on of his spe­cia­list trai­ning was the world-famous depart­ment for facial plastic sur­ge­ry at the Mari­en­hos­pi­tal in Stutt­gart under the direc­tion of Dr. S. Haack and Prof. Dr. W.Gubisch. A fur­ther spe­cia­liz­a­ti­on in the field of facial and nose sur­ge­ry followed.

He has demons­tra­ted his spe­cial know­ledge in the fiel­ds of bre­ast and body shaping sur­ge­ry as well as facial and nose sur­ge­ry in nume­rous publi­ca­ti­ons and lectures.

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